St. Petersburg family blames brand-new Galaxy Note 7 phone for destroying their SUV/tampabay

St. Petersburg family blames brand-new Galaxy Note 7 phone for destroying their SUV

St. Petersburg family blames brand-new Galaxy Note 7 phone for destroying their SUV
St. Petersburg family blames brand-new Galaxy Note 7 phone for destroying their SUV
ST. PETERSBURG — Nathan Dornacher said he learned that his new Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphone had been recalled due to exploding batteries at a very inopportune time:It was after his 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee caught fire and exploded in his driveway Monday.St. Petersburg Fire Rescue said the sport utility vehicle was burning when firefighters arrived at 3257 58th St. N about 10:30 a.m. Monday and extinguished the fire.Investigators are still determining the cause of the blaze, but in an email to the Tampa Bay Times, Dornacher's wife, Lydia Butcher, said the family blames their new smartphone.

FAA warns not to check your Galaxy Note 7 or fly with it on

FAA warns not to check your Galaxy Note 7 or fly with it on
FAA warns not to check your Galaxy Note 7 or fly with it on
An exploding phone is by no means a good thing, but if it has to explode, it's hard to think of a worse place for it to do so than on a plane.Well, not that hard, but it's definitely a bad one.In the wake of the occasional combusting Galaxy Note 7 and its subsequent recall, the FAA has advised passengers to exercise caution when flying with the device.

St. Petersburg family blames brand-new Galaxy Note 7 phone for destroying their SUV/tampabay St. Petersburg family blames brand-new Galaxy Note 7 phone for destroying their SUV/tampabay Reviewed by John Max on September 09, 2016 Rating: 5

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