"The Huffington Post" declare : Trevor Noah Sings Ode To Donald Trump's 'Forgotten Men'

collected by :John Max

Trevor Noah has been studying President Donald Trump's popularity in the polls. "If you don't count most people, Donald Trump's ratings are at a record high," he explained Thursday on "The Daily Show."The reason people really like Trump is simple. "Trump and his people will not forget you ― unless you're a Russian ambassador. Trump ran to represent one group: the forgotten men and women of America. He's not trying to be the president of everybody, Noah said.

As it stated in But fear not: if the GOP repeal drive does fail in Congress, Trump has a secret backup plan to kill the Affordable Care Act. Thus it is that many of the senators and governors who have expressed skepticism about the House GOP plan come from states that have expanded Medicaid. The current House GOP plan tries to give each of these camps a way to claim they are getting their way, but it ends up giving neither one enough. The Arkansas Republican is an ally of Trump — who favors the GOP bill — so this is somewhat significant. But if they do fail to deliver, Trump's backup plan has its virtues, too.

Donald Trump's secret backup plan to kill Obamacare
As it stated in

Protests, traffic and what to expect from Donald Trump's Nashville visit

(Photo: Jim Lo Scalzo/AP)Protests and heavier than normal traffic should be expected Wednesday, March 15, when President Donald Trump comes to Nashville for a rally. Donald Trump and Andrew JacksonThe president's visit falls on the same day The Hermitage celebrates the 250th birthday of President Jackson. Related: Sorry, Donald Trump, you're no Andrew JacksonNate Rau and Joey Garrison contributed to this report. Protests plannedHours after The Tennessean reported Trump's visit, grassroots group We Are Watching - Tennessee created a Facebook event to protest the president's rally at Municipal Auditorium. A presidential visit to The Hermitage, 4580 Rachel's Lane, could impact Wednesday traffic on Old Hickory Boulevard in Hermitage.

Protests, traffic and what to expect from Donald Trump's Nashville visit

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"The Huffington Post" declare : Trevor Noah Sings Ode To Donald Trump's 'Forgotten Men' "The Huffington Post" declare : Trevor Noah Sings Ode To Donald Trump's 'Forgotten Men' Reviewed by John Max on March 10, 2017 Rating: 5

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