Jeep Markets New Compass to U.S. Millennials quoting : "The Drive"

"We speak of freedom and adventure, which are Jeep values, in ways that are relevant to these target millennials. "We want to connect with them and be relevant," Olivier Francois, chief marketing officer for Fiat Chrysler Automotive, told me. As it arrives in volume at Jeep dealerships, the new vehicle is an important refresh as Jeep overall struggles with its first slump in nearly a decade. Jeep is launching an advertising campaign for the all-new Compass compact utility vehicle that tries to communicate with mid-generation millennials by acknowledging the many important life choices they are making -- and by suggesting that purchasing a Compass could be one of those decisions. "Recalculating" is the title of the first TV commercial for the 2017 Compass that Jeep is counting on to make the brand more relevant in a compact segment that is increasingly important in the ever-expanding sport-utility universe.

as mentioned in
New Jeep Compass Commercial 'Recalculating' Gets Weirder Every Time You Watch
According to Olivier Francois, chief marketing officer of FCA, the Compass and the "Recalculating" commercial is targeting the millennials. Jeep's new commercial for the Compass called "Recalculating," emphasizes the unpredictability and adventure of life—and how the Jeep Compass will be there for you every step of the way. The 2017 Jeep Compass is currently on sale and starts at $20,995. However, there's ultimately a limit as to how "deep" a commercial can be without confusing the viewer or distracting them from the product. In Jeep's new commercial for the 2017 Compass, the brand's ad men test those boundaries.

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collected by :John Max
Jeep Markets New Compass to U.S. Millennials quoting : "The Drive" Jeep Markets New Compass to U.S. Millennials quoting : "The Drive" Reviewed by John Max on May 05, 2017 Rating: 5

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